Grace by Year

The steadfast love of the LORD never ceases; His mercies never come to an end; they are new every morning; great is Your faithfulness.

“The LORD is my portion,” says my soul, “therefore I will hope in Him.”

– Lamentations 3:22-24

His mercies are new every day, and He gives grace day after day, but I realized- His mercies are new each year, each month. He gives grace anew for each passing year and each moment in it.

I tend to start to think that each day is the same. New grace today, new grace tomorrow, new grace the next day. Almost like a reset. Each day is reset. In a sense, that’s true- each day is a new chance to serve, love, follow, learn, obey. It’s a new chance to be whole.

I was just thinking about how different this fall is from last fall. Last fall every day was hard. It was another day of walking with weight on my shoulders, and it lasted for months. I wasn’t looking forward to much. The holidays annoyed me. But this year, I look forward to each day. I can’t wait for Thanksgiving or Christmas or New Years or tomorrow. I know it isn’t always easy and there will be more days of struggle, but I know that I can’t carry what only God can hold, and I can’t control what only God can.

Recognizing that His grace is new every morning is good. But you also need to realize that His mercies are new every month and year. It won’t always be the same each day. He works immediately, and He works over time. If this year just seems hard, wake up each day and see His grace, and remember that is not the only grace you get- in a year it will be different too.

give grace,


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