Sunshine Blogger Award

So this is exciting! I’ve been nominated by Heidi over at Living Humble Bee for the Sunshine Blogger Award – thank you Heidi! The Sunshine Blogger Award is a great promotional tool to get to know other bloggers who bring encouragement and inspiration and in doing so lift each other up.

There are some rules to the award and nominations:

  1. You must thank the blogger who nominated you and link back to their blog in your post.
  2. You must answer 11 questions that this blogger asks you.
  3. You must nominate 11 new bloggers to receive the awards and write them 11 questions.
  4. You must list the rules and display the Sunshine Blogger Award logo in your post.

Here are the questions Heidi asked me:

What are some things you are proud of?

I am proud of my family – they are all amazing and brilliant. Personally, I’m extremely proud of the fact that I can wiggle my ears, a skill I learned in 6th grade.

What is your favorite summer activity?

My favorite summer activity is any kind of summer bbq, particularly if there is swimming involved. I don’t always swim, but I just love the atmosphere of bbq with family and friends.

Mountains or beach, and why?

Beach, definitely beach. With a catch. The mountains in the fall or spring are beautiful, and living near mountains is wonderful. I can’t imagine living in a place without mountains.

However, there’s nothing quite like looking out at the ocean. Mountains are impressive; the ocean is glorious. They are both beautiful, but if I had to pick one to visit, or to walk to everyday, it would be the beach. Maybe one day that’ll change.

What keeps you motivated to keep blogging and writing?

  1. The desire to become a better writer.
  2. The concept that my writing may encourage or benefit those who read it.

Who is someone that you look up to?

I look up to both my parents, but for the sake of this question I’ll say my mother. She has not only been a mother in the usual sense, but she was my teacher and is my sibling’s teacher. She chooses daily to sacrifice her time and energy to raise 9 children and homeschool them. Because of that decision, I feel that I entered college and adulthood more prepared than I would have otherwise been. My mother has been an amazing example of what a wife and mother should be, and I am thankful for both her and my dad.

What age would you like to permanently be?

21. So far, 21 has been the best. But I look forward to every age and every day.

What is your favorite dish to cook or bake?

This question made me excited, because I seriously enjoy cooking and baking! Probably my favorite thing to bake is my grandmother’s almond jams cookies. They are just so tasty and worth making!

If you could have a superpower, which would you choose?

The ability to walk through walls. There are definitely more practical superpowers, but I’m a fan of Kitty from the X-Men culture.

What is one of your dream vacations?

This one’s a little harder to answer… I’d love to go to as many beaches as possible. It would be amazing to see Hawaii or Alaska.

What is your favorite article of clothing?

My favorite article of clothing is a pair of summer wedges I have with lace on them. I’m not very big on fashion or stuff like that, but I have an affinity for shoes.

What is your favorite/most inspiring book you’ve read?

Other than my favorite books of the Bible (John, Galatians, Ephesians), the best book I’ve read is probably Heart of Darkness by Joseph Conrad. I’m also a fan of Out of The Silent Planet by C. S. Lewis.

The bloggers I nominate for The Sunshine Blogger Award are:

Heather Hart @ Books, Faith, and Coffee

Connie @ Earth to Connie

Madison @ Mads Maybe

Erin @ Milk Glass and Mimosas

Osinachi Okoye @ Awkward for Days

Wisdom, Grace, and Curls

Jenny @ Living Life Loving Us

Tayrina Gonzalez @ His Purpose In Me

Maud @ My Passion Projects

Becca @ Becca Blogs It Out

Kellie @ Kellie Marie

Here are my questions:

  1. What made you decide to start writing?
  2. What is your favorite season of the year, and why?
  3. What is your favorite music genre? Favorite song?
  4. What is one thing that you love to do not related to writing/blogging?
  5. Coffee or Tea?
  6. What’s your favorite meal of the day? Breakfast, lunch, or dinner?
  7. Do you have a collection of anything? What is it? (For example, I have a collection of mugs because people tend to gift them to me).
  8. What is one thing you do to relieve stress?
  9. Out of everywhere you’ve been, where is your favorite place?
  10. Who is one of the most encouraging people in your life right now?
  11. What is your favorite color and what does it make you think of?


Alrighty, I know this post is a few weeks late, but thank you Heidi! Also, all y’all should check out at least some of the nominees’ blogs – it took me a while to decide on because I wanted to nominate people who really seemed to care about inspiring their readers and who inspired me.

As always,

give grace,




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